Our global team of more than 250 dedicated due diligence professionals is like an extension of your in-house expertise, 提供可信赖的第二意见. 我们对资产管理公司进行广泛的尽职调查, 在全球公开和私人市场, to provide you with holistic and sound insights while helping you narrow down the investable universe.
美世Insight®, built using Nasdaq’s powerful technology, 我们经理的家是评级和研究吗, 以及各种资产类别的数据和分析. You can access ESG 评级 and operational due diligence reports on thousands of strategies and monitor existing managers, 或者根据您的个人标准选择新的.
Join many of the world's largest asset owners on the platform today and get access to the information you need to help you make decisions for your portfolio.
To help asset owners navigate the investable universe we analyse and rate asset managers and strategies as an A, B, C, 或者R, with A being the strongest that we believe has an above average prospect to outperform.
除了整体战略, we review the manager's operational risk and portfolio management, 他们对ESG和多样性的关注和整合, equity and inclusion considerations and their overall track record. 每项战略都是基于以下四个因素进行审查的:
- 创意: A manager's ability to generate value-add investment ideas
- 投资组合构建: Translation of investment ideas into portfolio allocation
- 实现: Value-add lost in the form of transaction and opportunity costs
- 企业管理:扎实的投资流程结构和管理
How our platform could help guide your investment decisions
Access one of the largest institutional databases in the market
60000 +的策略*
11900 +的评级*
Discover the value of our asset manager and strategy insights by requesting a complementary forward-looking research report on an asset manager and strategy of your choice. 填好98858威尼斯70570的表格,我们会和你联系的.
Find out how your portfolio stacks up against our research specialists’ 评级. We’ll highlight opportunities for you to leverage our insights and how our due diligence could help you select new investment strategies. 填一张98858威尼斯70570的表格,我们会和你联系的.
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